Passport to Leadership
The Passport to Civic Leadership Program (formerly known as the Degrees program) is designed to quickly immerse new members into their Jaycee careers and help veteran Jaycees grow and develop their individual, leadership, and business skills. Participation in the program leads members to a satisfactory Jaycee experience and results in higher member retention for the chapter.
Chapter leaders can use the Passport to Civic Leadership program to activate their chapters' members and track their involvement in chapter activities. Passport to Civic Leadership can also be helpful in building the energy within a chapter.
The program is designed to take two to three years to complete, and is accomplished in 10 phases, or degrees. Each degree introduces the member to a new aspect of the Jaycee experience, develops a different leadership skill, and builds on the skills and steps previously attained. The program is self-directed and members can proceed at their own pace. Recognition of completing each degree is done at the chapter level. Recognition of completing the 10th degree is done at the National level. Members attaining their 10th Degree are recognized from the podium at the Annual Meeting, receive their 10th Degree pin and certificate, and are recognized alongside the Ten Outstanding Young Americans at a special luncheon. Members unable to attend an Annual Meeting may be recognized at a state meeting.
Members can track their progress on their membership profile. Members wishing to get started should speak with their Chapter President.
Learn More: Passport to Leadership How To Guide
Chapter leaders can use the Passport to Civic Leadership program to activate their chapters' members and track their involvement in chapter activities. Passport to Civic Leadership can also be helpful in building the energy within a chapter.
The program is designed to take two to three years to complete, and is accomplished in 10 phases, or degrees. Each degree introduces the member to a new aspect of the Jaycee experience, develops a different leadership skill, and builds on the skills and steps previously attained. The program is self-directed and members can proceed at their own pace. Recognition of completing each degree is done at the chapter level. Recognition of completing the 10th degree is done at the National level. Members attaining their 10th Degree are recognized from the podium at the Annual Meeting, receive their 10th Degree pin and certificate, and are recognized alongside the Ten Outstanding Young Americans at a special luncheon. Members unable to attend an Annual Meeting may be recognized at a state meeting.
Members can track their progress on their membership profile. Members wishing to get started should speak with their Chapter President.
Learn More: Passport to Leadership How To Guide